Yai Thiang Escarpment
This is an area on a ridge of Khao Yai Thiang, which is shaped on the side like an E-to or cleaver knife and is otherwise known as a cuesta. One can see this shape in the landscape of the cuesta situated parallel in front on the opposite side of the Lam Ta Khong Reservoir. The characteristics are a steep cliff (escarpment) on the left side and a gentle slope (dip slope) on the right side, the slope running eastward along the plane of a sandstone layer. The angle of the slope is less than 20 degrees. These are the characteristics of a true cuesta, as in the region where cuestas were first named in Spain. The Spanish word cuesta refers to sloping like a shoulder. A world famous cuesta is the Niagara Escarpment, which includes Niagara Falls flowing through all five lakes of North America. Yai Thiang Cliff is considered part of the Khorat Cuesta or the rim of the Khorat Plateau at the west and south of Esarn, or Northeast Thailand, which continues to the center of this region at Phu Phan. The Khorat Cuesta has a combined length of approximately 1,600 meters and is considered to be one of the longest cuestas in the world.